Step 4: Supervisor - Complete or View an Evaluation

If an evaluation is required but has not been assigned to you, you may find and complete the evaluation yourself. Follow these steps to start an evaluation. 

  1. From the main menu, click Evaluations.
  2. On the Evaluations page, click Start next to the evaluation you wish to complete. 
  3. On the Form Details page, in the Assessing field, click the dropdown box to select whom/what to assess, if options are available. A 'submitted' label next to an option indicates that you have already assessed it.  
  4. Click Complete Evaluation
  5. On the evaluation, fill out all required fields, then click Submit

To review an already submitted evaluation, follow the steps below.

  1. From the main menu, click Evaluations.
  2. On the Evaluations page, click Show Completions next to the evaluation you wish to review.

  3. A list of completed evaluations will appear. Click on the date next to submitters completed evaluation to review.