Step 6: Conduct or Review Live Session

  1. 1-Minute Live Session Overview Video

Supervision Assist allows the creation of HIPAA-secure live online video feeds to be created or scheduled at any time. These may be used for remote viewing of a supervision session, communicating with a supervisor, or starting a video chat with a trainee. You may create a session using the following steps. 

Starting a Live Session

  1. Click + New Live Session
  2. Select Schedule Live Session
    1. If you wish to allow another user to view this as a live stream, add them as a participant. 
    2. If you wish to allow another user to review this video. Assign them a review task after the video has been uploaded. 
  3. Select Start Session

Viewing Past Session

  1. Login to Supervision Assist
  2. Select Live Sessions
  3. Select the Past Sessions Tab

Reviewing my Intern's Cloud Recording.

  1. Login to Supervision Assist
  2. Assigned recordings will be viewable under the Live Sessions tab in Supervision Assist