Navigating to a Placement Application

In-Progress Placement Application

A snapshot of placement applications that have been submitted or are ready for approval are available on your dashboard. You may open an application by selecting the view button. If you will be reviewing several forms, we recommend using the second method below. 

Searching for Placement Applications

  1. Click Training from the main navigation and select the Placement Applications.
  2. We recommend using Filter by Status to choose all applications that are "Ready" for approval. 
    1. (Alternatively, you can type in a specific training plan name in the Filter by Search box if you wish to review all applications for a specific plan)
  3. From the placement column, select a placement.

  4. You may quickly navigate between different Placement Applications by using the Next or Previous options.

Tip: If approving an application, we recommend using the Review Mode. This will load each form into one scrollable page!