Activity Log - Supervisor Introduction (Approving or Denying Hours)

Introduction Video

Approving Entries

  1. Select Activity Log at the top of the page. 
  2. This will bring you to the Activity Log: Pending Approval page. This page lists activities from each trainee/intern working with you. You may select all entries (1) and then approve all hours (2), or click on an entry to get more information, make a comment, or request changes/deny an activity.

  3. Continue this process for each day until you complete your list!

Note: Icons on the right-hand side of the screen let you know if additional information was added to an activity. An Icon legend is included below

Client Code. This is an optional field to be able to quickly view all notes and times spent with a client. 

Attachment: Add an attachment related to your activity. 

Journal: Add reflective thoughts or notes on your activity to share with your Faculty and Site Supervisor

Risk Alert: Select this field to immediately send a notification to your Faculty and Site Supervisor

Deny / Request Changes for an Entry

  1. Click on an entry title to go to the full details. 

  2. Select "Deny & Request Changes" to send it back to a trainee. This will remove it from your pending approval list. 

Viewing Students Full Activity Log

  1. Select My Trainees from the top of the page .

  2. Clink on Actions > View Activity Log under the correct student Training.