Step 7: Evaluations & Reports Information

Supervision Assist has several different types of reports that may be generated. You may review the types of reports and how to generate them below. 

Activity Log Reports

A trainee's training report can be generated by any user related to the trainee in Supervision Assist. You may review tutorials on generating these reports viewing the Creating Training Reports of Hours and Student Hour reports below. Activity Log reports can be generated in four formats, a brief description is included below. 

  • Training Report - An aggregate of all hours logged by the trainee during the full span of their training plan.
  • Weekly Report: Total hours accumulated by week. 
  • Spreadsheet Export -  An export of all hours listed in an excel sheet. 
  • Full Training Report - This report generates a PDF from an aggregate of all hours logged across all trainings and placements.
  • All Student Hour Report - This report generates an excel spreadsheet which shows aggregate totals of Direct Service, Indirect Service, Individual Supervision, and Group Supervision. 

These report formats meet the CACREP's requirement to have site supervisors verify the hours logged by a trainee, using an integrated e-signature feature that adds the supervisor's signature upon approving activity entries.

Evaluation Reports

Supervision Assist evaluation reports are powerful and can be customized for a university's individual needs. Supervision Assist will by default include a total aggregate evaluation report with a breakdown of responses and total average. They will also include the ability to filter the reports by dates or new filters can be created by university coordinators on the fly. New evaluation reports can be customized at any time and will be created jointly during the onboarding process. 

. To view a report just follow these steps. 

  1. Switch to a Coordinator position and select Evaluations

  2. Select Reports on the correct form

  3. Select the appropriate report (or contact support to request an additional report)

  4. Enter in the password. (The same password is on every report, talk to the organization owner or SA support if you don't have it)
  5. For most reports, you may set a date range on the top left of the page

  6. You may also create a custom filter. This is a powerful tool that will allow you to add filters based on question types. (i.e. midtern/final, program location, faculty/site evaluation of student)

  7. Review the results. These can be broken down into average, standard deviations, and graphics may be tweaked by contacting support.

Note: If you would like an excel or SPSS export of results, please contact support and that will be generated for you. 

Placement Application Export

The Placement Application provides an export about each placement application submitted from a student. 

  1. Select the Training Button from the top navigation bar. 
  2. Select Placement Applications from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Export Placements

The columns included are the Trainee Name, Supervision Site Name, Training Plan, Training Plan Start Date, Training Plan End Date, Liability Insurance active dates, Status, Requirements Completed, Supervisor Name, Supervisor E-mail, Supervisor Phone, Supervisor Credential, Supervisor Concentrations, Supervisor Specialty Populations, Supervisor Degree, Supervisor License, Supervisor Years of Experience, Supervisor Skills/Training Details

Placement Application Review Mode

The review mode will load all attached documents and completed agreement forms into a single page in Supervision Assist. This can be useful for exporting the application into a student portfolio or more quickly reviewing all requirements at once. 

  1. Navigate to the Students Placement Application Details page. 
  2. Select the Review Mode.

Site Directory Report

The Site Directory export includes important information about the site along with a list of all students who have worked at the site. 

  1. Select the Training Button from the top navigation bar. 
  2. Select Supervision Site Directory from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Export Directory

The columns included are the Date Added, Name, Description, Address, City, State, Zip, Department, Contact Name, Contact E-mail, Office E-mail, Website, Status, Published, Training Levels, Supervisor, Placement Applications

Supervisor Report

The Supervisor exports tool is a useful tool for gathering contact information and verification of qualifications for accreditation purposes. 

  1. Select the People Button from the top navigation bar. 
  2. Select Faculty Supervisor or Supervisors from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Export Supervisors

The columns included are the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Date Joined, Position Status, Credentials, License (Number, State, & Type), Concentration, Specialty, Degree, Years of Experience, Skills Training details

Student Hour Reports / Trainee Report

Located on the Trainees page, the export trainees reports include useful information about student location, e-mail addresses, status, and total activity log hours. You can access the report by using the following steps.

  1. Select the People Button from the top navigation bar. 
  2. Select Trainee from the dropdown menu, this will load the Trainees page. 
  3. Select Export Trainees and generate a report. 

The columns included are First Name, Last Name, E-mail Address, Phone Number, Zip, Timezone, Student ID, Date Joined, Status, Access Pass, Current Training, Total On-Site Hours, Total Activity Hours, Total Direct Hours, Total Individual Hours, Total Group Hours, and Total Indirect Hours.