Step 3: How to Create Placement Application(s)
Placement applications are a request to University to work with a supervisor for your practicum or internship. Creating a placement application;
- E-mails an invitation to Supervision Assist for your Site Supervisor
- Lists all required agreement forms and documentation required to start your Practicum/Internship
- Provides an easy way to get approval from your Clinical Coordinator or Group Supervisor.
Creating a Placement Application
From the main menu, click Placement then Request Placement.
On the Placement Applications page, select the training for your placement application. (i.e. Practicum or Internship). If your training is not yet listed you may request the training using the Request Training Plan button in the Select Training Plan area.
In the Select Supervision Site field, you may choose from the list of approved sites, or you may begin entering the name in the field to search for it. If the site does not exist you may add it to be approved using the Create Supervision Site button that appears below.
In the Select Supervisor section, you may type in the text box to search for an approved supervisor to work with. You may also add a new supervisor to be approved using the Invite Supervisor button on the left of the page.
Clicking on the Invite Supervisor button will prompt you to fill out the site supervisor's name and email. After completing, an email will be sent out inviting the site supervisor to create a Supervision Assist account.
- When finished, click Submit.