Live Sessions & Recording Closed Captions

Supervision Assist supports closed captions in real-time during live sessions. The method of enabling this feature depends on the device that is being used.

Please refer to the section below for device specific instructions.

Desktop/Laptop Devices

Live Captions via Chrome Browser

  1. Start a Live Session
  2. When connecting your audio, select your language from Automatic Transcription dropdown menu.

  3. Begin speaking and the closed captioning will show during the meeting.


💡 This is not supported by all browsers. Confirmed on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Phone/Tablet Devices

Live Captions on Apple iPad/iPhone Devices

  1. Go to Settings  > Accessibility > Live Captions (Beta).
  2. Turn on Live Captions, then tap Appearance to customize the text, size, and color of the captions.
  3. By default, Live Captions are shown across all apps. To get live captions only for certain apps such as FaceTime or RTT, turn them on below In-App Live Captions.


Live Captions on Android Devices

  1. On your device, open Settings.
  2. Tap Sound > Live Caption.
  3. Under Settings, you can find or change these settings:
    • Turn Live Caption on or off.
    • Hide or show profanity.
    • Hide or show sound labels, such as laughter and applause.
    • Hide or show the Live Caption icon in volume control.


💡 Live captions should be supported on Android 10.0 devices and newer. Depending on your phone manufacturer the settings area may change slightly.