How To Create Supervision Site Directory Tags

Coordinators can create searchable tags for Supervision Sites, enhancing organization and accessibility in the Supervision Sites Directory. To create customized site tags, take the following steps:

  1. On the main menu, select Training > Supervision Sites Directory.
  2. On the Supervision Sites Directory page, click on the Edit Tags button. The Edit Tags page is displayed. All training plans/levels will be displayed automatically.

  3. Click on +Create New Tag. The New Tag section will be displayed.
  4. In the Tag Name textbox, type in the name of the new tag. Click on the Icon dropdown to select an icon from a variety of options. Click on the Color dropdown to select a color. (Optional: Click on the Visible to Coordinator Only toggle button if the new tag should only be visible by a coordinator.)
  5. Click Submit.

Adding Site Tags to Previously Approved Supervision Sites

To add site tags to previously approved supervision sites, take the following steps:

  1. On the main menu, select Training > Supervision Sites Directory.
  2. On the Supervision Sites Directory page, locate a previously approved site by utilizing the Filter By drop downs/textbox.
  3. Click on the Edit icon.

  4. On the Edit Supervision Site screen, in the Tags section, click a tag to add it to the site.
  5. Click Save.

💡 The same process can be followed for adding site tags to newly created supervision sites from the Supervision Sites Directory > +Create Supervision Site.