Create Student Portfolio/Folders for Accreditation
Step 1: Prepare Folders on your Computer.
- Create a folder on your computer for Student Files
- Create a folder on for each student that you will be using for a student file.
- (Optional) Create a Folder for Practicum and Internships
Step 2: Create Activity Log Reports
- Navigate to the Trainee Details page by selecting or searching a student's name.
- Select the Training Tab
- Click the Training Reports drop down.
- Select Custom Training Report button. You can use the Individual Report to create a report for each training plan, and the aggregate report to summarize hours across all training sessions
Step 3: Download Placement Application Paperwork.
- Select the Previous Training tab
- Select a placement application.
- Click the Review button on the top right of the page. This will load all forms onto one page
- Click the dropdown in the right corner to choose Print
- Select Save as PDF
- If applicable, select the Current Training tab and do a similar process
- Add to the appropriate folder
Step 4: Download Evaluations.
- Select the Evaluation tab on the Trainee details page
- Select View All to download all evaluations for a Training Plan.
- Save the files to the appropriate folder
Following these steps should allow you to create a folder with almost all data within Supervision Assist.