Create Student Portfolio/Folders for Accreditation

Step 1: Prepare Folders on your Computer. 

  1. Create a folder on your computer for Student Files
  2. Create a folder on for each student that you will be using for a student file. 
  3. (Optional) Create a Folder for Practicum and Internships

Step 2: Create Activity Log Reports

  1. Navigate to the Trainee Details page by selecting or searching a student's name. 
  2. Select the Training Tab
  3. Click the Training Reports drop down.
  4. Select Custom Training Report button. You can use the Individual Report to create a report for each training plan, and the aggregate report to summarize hours across all training sessions

Step 3: Download Placement Application Paperwork. 

  1. Select the Previous Training tab
    1. Select a placement application.
    2. Click the Review button on the top right of the page. This will load all forms onto one page
    3. Click the dropdown in the right corner to choose Print
    4. Select Save as PDF
  2. If applicable, select the Current Training tab and do a similar process
  3. Add to the appropriate folder

Step 4: Download Evaluations. 

  1. Select the Evaluation tab on the Trainee details page
  2. Select View All to download all evaluations for a Training Plan. 
  3. Save the files to the appropriate folder

Following these steps should allow you to create a folder with almost all data within Supervision Assist.