2.1 Create a Live Video Session

Supervision Assist allows for Live Sessions to be recorded directly to the cloud. This process is HIPAA secure and avoids any dangerous local recordings. Follow these steps to create a cloud recording and to share them with a Supervisor for review. 

  1. Select  Live Sessions from the main menu.

  2. Click +New Live Session

  3. You may choose between three options for Live Sessions. 
    1. Schedule a Live Session: Use this option if you will be meeting a client in person, or only conducting a meeting with users that have a Supervision Assist account. 
    2. Upload a Past Recorded Session: Use this option to upload a recording you may have completed. (Upload Guide)
    3. Schedule a Telehealth Session: If this option is enabled for your account, use this to e-mail a meeting link to conduct a Telehealth session. 

  4. Complete the required questions
    1. Participants: If you wish to invite another Supervision Assist user to join your meeting you may type their name or use the dropdown menu to search. 
    2. Client's Email (Telehealth Only): This is the address that an invitation to your live session will be sent to. 
    3. Date & Time, Duration: This information will be shared with participants. However, you may still start the meeting at anytime. 
    4. Automatically record this session to the cloud: This setting will select the cloud record button for you. Regardless of the setting you may start/stop recording by selecting the record button in the supervision assist client. 
    5. Limit recording to audio-only: If you are only allowed to capture client audio please enable this setting. 
    6. Confirmation Checkbox (Telehealth Only): This is an additional security precaution that reminds students that they require permissions from all parties to record. 

  5. Click Start Session to begin your Live Session

After the meeting has ended, your video will be processed for sharing in Supervision Assist. (Note: It may take several minutes for the video to be processed. You do not need to leave your computer on during this process, it has already been uploaded online.)