Step 0: Testing Supervision Assist with your Sandbox

When you first start with Supervision Assist you will be provided a Sandbox environment. This environment will allow you to easily switch and try things out as a Site Supervisor, Faculty Supervisor, and Student. 

This guide will walk you through how to access the Sandbox in Supervision Assist.

Navigating your Sandbox Environment

  1. Check your "Position" by selecting your name on the top of the screen. You will want to be on the position labeled "University Name + Sandbox". 
  2. You may switch between different users and positions with the user switcher on the top of the screen. Each user type is labeled.
             FS = Faculty Supervisor
             SS = Site Supervisor
             T = Trainee
  3. Once logged in as a user, you can switch back to the coordinator role by selecting the Logout As button

Recommended Items to Test

  1. Try following the Start Guides with each position. You can see what works and doesn't work for you. 
  2. Test out your Placement Application forms. Follow the trainee guide to creating a placement application
  3. Did you select a sample user as a site supervisor? Switch to a site supervisor and fill out their forms
  4. Curious about the Site Supervisor signup process? Try signing up with a Signup Link in a Private Window. This will allow you to try signing up on another browser without having to log out. 
  5. Test your Activity Log setup as a Student. (Student Activity Log Guide)
  6. See how easy it is to approve hours as a Supervisor
  7. Complete an Evaluation. You can always use the test links we send, but these can be helpful to see how it works in Supervision Assist. 
  8. Create a Live Session. It may be lonely all alone, but you can always try a cloud recording and see how a session turns out. 
  9. Most importantly, have fun and click around! You can try sending tasks, review an evaluation, or even practice uploading a profile pic. :) There is lots to explore.