Introduction E-mail Templates and Automations

To help with the onboarding of new users, we have provided a link to two important resources below. 

  1. Automated E-mail Series: This is a series of e-mails automatically sent to newly registers users. 
  2. Introduction E-mail Templates: Included below are templates for each role that you may use and modify to introduce Supervision Assist. 

1. Automated E-mail Series

You may also wish to review our automated e-mails that are sent out to new users. Please contact us at support if you would like to customize any automated messages sent to new users. 

2. E-mail Templates

Coordinator/Staff Introduction E-mail Template


I put together some helpful tips and steps as you prepare for your first round of students. Please don't hesitate to reach out during any step and schedule a meeting if you get lost.
Step 1: Create Training Plans
For each of your classes you will need to create "Training Plans" in Supervision Assist. These are usually labeled via your course number or by class label. (i.e. Fall Practicum 2025) These training plans will just indicate the amount of hours required, and a date range. In the next steps you can assign different students and faculty supervisors to these training plans. 
Step 2: Invite Faculty Supervisors
The next step is to invite faculty supervisors into Supervision Assist. It is helpful to get this done right away, as it will help speed up the student invitation process.
Step 3: Invite Students or Assign Different Students
Once your faculty and training plans are completed you may invite students. During the invite process you may distribute paid access passes (If the university is paying), assign the faculty supervisor, and assign the training plan. 
Step 4: Placement Applications
After students join the system, they may create a "Placement Application". This is how they let you know which Supervisors they will be working with, how they will sign agreement forms, and where you can approve/deny the application.
Step 5: Next Semester (Assigning New Plans to Existing Students)
If you'd like to review the steps for next semester you may find them here.

Student Introduction E-mail Template

Hello Everyone,
I'd like to provide some tips and information about using Supervision Assist this semester.
You will use Supervision Assist to complete paperwork and obtain approval for a practicum and internship, log hours, complete evaluations, and cloud record live video sessions with clients. I highly recommend you take the time to read and complete the steps below.
Step 1: Introduction Video
This introduction video will show you how to get started with Supervision Assist, and the features you will use during the semester.
Step 2: Creating a Placement Application
Placement applications are a request to university to apply for practicum or internship, or to work with supervisor for your practicum or internship.
Creating a placement application (1) emails an invitation to Supervision Assist for your site supervisor, (2) allows you and your site supervisors to sign required agreement forms required for an application online, and (3) is sent to your clinical coordinator to be approved for your placement site. This is an important process that should be started as soon as possible. 
If you have multiple Supervisors in a semester, you will simply create two (or more) placement applications. 
Step 3: Live Sessions
You may need to use Supervision Assist Live Sessions to safely and securely record yourself with a client or to meet up with classmates. Included are guides to get you started.
Step 4: Activity Logs & Evaluations
During the semester you or your supervisor may have to complete an evaluation or a form. You may also need to review an evaluation.
Please do not hesitate to contact Supervision Assist support lines from 9-5 CST at 1-888-318-0520 or to email
Best Regards,

Site Supervisor Introduction E-mail Template

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for working with our student this semester.
I wanted to introduce you to Supervision Assist, a system we will be using to make supervising your intern as easy as possible. You will use Supervision Assist to review activity hours, evaluations, and view live sessions.
I have included some tips below to get you started.
Step 1: Introduction Video
The Site Supervisor training guide will walk you through each step. From creating an account, approving hours, completing evaluations, and reviewing video.
Step 2: Signing Required Forms
Your intern is responsible for creating a "Placement Application" in the system to connect with you. This application will include any forms that you are responsible for signing for each student.
Step 3: Approving Hours
After the placement application has been approved the student may log in site hours and activities. You will receive an e-mail reminder with link to approve hours each Monday morning.
Step 4: Evaluations
During the semester you will need to complete evaluations or forms. These may either be assigned to you as a task, or you can find them using the evaluations button.
Please do not hesitate to contact Supervision Assist support lines from 9-5 CST at 1-888-318-0520 or to email if you get stuck during the process.

Best Regards,

Faculty Supervisor Introduction E-mail Template

Hello Everyone,
I'd like to provide some tips and information about using Supervision Assist this semester.
Supervision Assist will be used to manage our students during their practicum and internship. You will use Supervision Assist to review activity hours, evaluations, and view live sessions. I have included some tips below to get you started.
Step 1: Introduction Video
There is not a video created for Faculty yet, but the Site Supervisor training guide will walk you through reviewing the activity log and live sessions.
Step 2: Student Setup
The clinical coordinator of the program will be responsible for assigning students to your section. If a student is missing from your section, please contact the coordinator and let them know. Students will be required to complete a Placement Application to connect to each On-Site Supervisor. If student needs help you may refer to this guide.
Step 3: Live Sessions
Supervision Assist is HIPAA secure and allows for the ability to cloud recording a client session. You may review the guides below to see how to review a live session,
Step 4: Evaluations
During the semester you will need to complete evaluations or forms. You may also wish to assign an evaluation as a "task" that will prompt a student or supervisor to complete.
Please do not hesitate to contact Supervision Assist support lines from 9-5 CST at 1-888-318-0520 or to email
Best Regards,